In the seven years our company has been around the technological landscape has changed dramatically. Additionally, the way our system is assembled and the components it's assembled from have also changed. Can a system go through that much change and still be consistent with an architecture described seven years earlier?
Rules, as I've said in earlier postings, are more durable than technology. That is why rules are important. Design rules persist across technological smokestacks. Good rules are good rules regardless which database you use, regardless which language you develop in, regardless whether your application exists on the web, is client-server, or exists stand-alone in the back office.
I won't give-up all the secret ingredients, but here are some of our favorites at InStream Services:
It's better to be explicit than implicit
The code systems are built with, regardless of programming language, aren't susceptible to the same fragile memories humans suffer. Code never forgets, but humans do. Has that ever happened to you? It happened to me. Considering how complicated software systems are and how many distractions humans are challenged with on a day-to-day basis, having code that distributes its implementation across classes, procedures, and triggers doesn't help programmers understand how something works and actually erects barriers to its enhancement. This is one of the reasons our system has only a single database trigger. Want to know what a procedure does? Everything it does is right inside the procedure's code.
If something is broken I don't want to be hunting around forever tracking it down.
No Polling
Besides wasting CPU it's a cop-out to a work-flow problem. There's no excuse for not knowing when the next thing needs to be done.
No Parsing
We don't write compilers or invent languages. We're surrounded by technology that already knows how to parse grammars. Find the right tool and use it. There are better ways to know what's coming next.
Once and only once
I hate solving problems twice. Keeping both sections of code in-sync with each other and the business is like making sure twins both get the same amount of ice cream. By the time I've measured it perfectly it's already melting. If it seems like it needs to be solved in two different places chances are it should be moved somewhere else and solved once.
No harm running twice
Humans are fallible. Everyone knows it. Why write programs, scripts, fixes, or patches that depend on being run under perfect conditions? Fix scripts should make sure things are still broken before they try to fix something that isn't. Programs should know not to do anything if there isn't anything to do. Nearly everything we've written can be run as many times as people feel like running it without negative consequences. There are enough things that can go wrong that aren't under our control--let's not add to them with things we do control.
Do one thing and do it well
Structured programming, refactoring, and the Unix shells have demonstrated how powerful a concept it is to do one thing and do it well. Narrowing the utility of a program reduces side effects and increases its utility. When all a system's programs do only one thing there is less chance of overlap and duplication. It also means that when something goes wrong there are fewer programs that require fixing--and fewer places to look in the first place.
Desirable undefined behavior
What happens when an unidentified transaction arrives? What happens when something occurs that wasn't planned for and stopping the system is an unacceptable option? You make sure there's default behavior that does something harmless, can be audited, and alert the authorities.
One of the constraints of our system is to be able to import supply chain data from multiple external systems we don't control (see Database Prenutials). Because 3rd-party data is sometimes incomplete our systems need to do something reasonable with imperfect data, especially since the alternative risks the database's integrity.
In production it's important to know that when bugs appear the likelihood of something bad happening is minimized because there's appropriate default behaviors. We know where our system is most at-risk and write our software with harmless fail-safes.
These are some of our rules. At times we've been tempted to break them, but found ways to stick to them. As I wrote in the first Rules to Live By article, when multiple programmers and designers are working with little supervision it's best if they all know what the rules are so no one, especially me, is surprised with the implementation--except in a good way.
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