Tuesday, December 2, 2008

If it's not in Bugzilla, it doesn't exist

There are many ways to manage projects. Just because I understand time estimates are important doesn't mean I have to like or believe them.

An alternative to time-lines and resources estimates is to manage development, enhancements and fixes with little more than a defect tracking system. At InStream we used Bugzilla.

Using Bugzilla or any defect tracking tool as a substitute for project management software may not work for everybody, but it worked well for us. Below I'll describe why and how we used it.

As the development team at InStream grew larger and end-user requests more frequent, we did what most companies do--create a technology steering committee to track and prioritize enhancements and fixes to more closely track the priorities of our business. We had a board with 3x5 cards on it we filled out with each request, we put them into buckets on the board describing what might be done one-week out, two-weeks out, and included a when-we-get-to-it-we'll-get-to-it category.

The committee consisted of the COO, the CTO (myself), the development staff, the QA manager, the CCO (chief credit officer), and some of our end-users.

A project manager was appointed and their job was to organize the cards after our meetings into a software package to track the requests, the progress on them, and prepare for the next meeting with updates for the entire committee.

A funny thing happened over the next few weeks. It turns out our development staff was so quick at implementing features and fixing bugs that the steering committee wasn't unable to keep up with the progress. More time was spent trying to keep "The Project" updated and current than was required to enhance the software.

The developers had recently started using Bugzilla to organize themselves and give myself insight into what they were doing during the day. We were using it so well, in fact, we proposed banning the committee in favor of relying on Bugzilla--with a few usage guidelines.

Rule Number One

Whether it was a bug, feature request, or fix, I had a simple rule for all our users and developers: If it's not in Bugzilla it doesn't exist.

For end-users it meant that everything they wanted the system to do, or anything they thought needed fixing, or anything they thought could look better or perform faster had to be entered into the system--by them.

User's couldn't complain about a bug they hadn't reported. They couldn't be waiting for a feature they hadn't asked for. By entering the bug themselves users took ownership of the bug's reporting, its description, and ultimately (and this is important) its closing. A bug wasn't closed until the user confirmed it in production.

A side-benefit of using Bugzilla is it also became our working requirements tool. Users would describe what they thought they needed, developers would ask questions about it, users would clarify, developers would confirm, and the end result was a complete audit trail of a design requirement, followed from definition, implementation, deployment, to end-user acceptance.

Does your project management software do that?

For developers it meant they didn't work on anything that didn't exist in Bugzilla even if they had to enter it themselves.

One of the benefits of a defect tracking system over project management is the ability to create tasks (incidents, bugs, items, whatever you want to call them) to document what it is your developers do all day. Bugzilla was then able to report who opened items, who worked on them, who checked-in the fixes, and when the items were resolved.

As a manager I discovered it more valuable to monitor the velocity of my staff's productivity than the time they spent being productive. As the system's original developer (but kicked-out of coding by my staff) I discovered I could use Bugzilla as a way to program through my staff, except instead of writing Smalltalk or PHP I only needed to describe what I wanted it to do and it would find its way into the code base.

Making Bugzilla easy for end-users is relieving them of having to answer all the questions Bugzilla asks. We agreed that end-users were only responsible for the description and prioritizing requests so engineering had an idea how important it was to them.

Each new bug would go through triage, usually by a developer. It was the developer's responsibility to figure out which product the bug related to, which category, and what the bug's severity was.

And because Bugzilla copies bug owners on everything that happens to their requests, our end-users never had to ask if something was being worked on or what its status was. They received email updates every time a bug's status changed and learned to get excited when the saw the CVS COMMIT messages recorded to their requests.

Engineering and QA shared the responsibility of determining which fixes would be included in which releases. We delivered to production both hot fixes and releases.

Hot fixes consisted of bug fixes and enhancements with minimal or isolated impact to the database, that could be moved into production with few or no side effects. Hot fixes could occur daily, and it was not unusual for cosmetic or low-impact bugs to be corrected same-day.

Full Releases were reserved for database changes impacted either many systems or our posting programs. Since protecting the database was our production rule #1 we were careful that database changes and the posting programs were well tested before releasing them into production.

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